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What is GATE?

What is GATE?

The goal of the GATE program is to provide high quality instruction, acceleration, and differentiated curriculum for students who are identified as having abilities and/or potential for high performance.
How are students identified as GATE?

How are students identified as GATE?

The Elk Grove Unified School District GATE identification process is based on multiple criteria which consider measures of academic achievement and potential. It is designed to provide and equitable basis for entry into the GATE program for all students.
Based on the research literature, best practices from the field, and input from stakeholders in EGUSD, the following measures were selected for inclusion into the GATE Identification Matrix:
  • California Standards Test scores
  • Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test scores
  • Grade point average
  • Equity factor
  • Accelerated classroom performance
  • Creative ability
GATE Referral Forms are completed by your school site GATE Coordinator. GATE Referral Forms will not be accepted by the Elk Grove Unified School District Gifted and Talented Education Program unless complete with all signatures and qualifying documentation. Parent and site administrator signatures are required. Transfer students’ evidence from other school district GATE Programs are accepted by Elk Grove Unified School District criteria.
When do GATE students meet?

When do GATE students meet?

4th-6th  grades meet on Tuesdays from 2:55 p.m.- 3:40 p.m.